Greg Constantine
Greg Constantine is a documentary photographer. He has been documenting the persecution of the Rohingya since 2006 and is the author of the award winning books: Exiled To Nowhere: Burma's Rohingya and Nowhere People.

Saiful Huq Omi
Saiful Huq Omi is a photographer, filmmaker, educator and an activist. Founder of Counter-Foto and producer of “Hidden Genocide”, an Al Jazeera documentary on Rohingya.

Richard Juilliart
Richard Juilliart is a professional photographer and visited the Rohingya camps in 2018 as part of a project on the work of humanitarian missions.

Dr Ambia Perveen
Photographs from Dr Ambia Perveen, Rohingya human rights activist and physician.

Tun Khin
Photographs by Tun Khin, Rohingya human rights activist.

Dan Nathan
Dan Nathan is an award-winning film director, creative consultant and fine art photographer. In 2018, Dan went to Cox’s Bazaar to make a film and photographic campaign on behalf of BRAC

Alex Crawford
Photographs from Alex Crawford, Special Correspondent for Sky News. Their coverage of the Rohingya crisis won a BAFTA award.

Greta Van Susteren
Photographs by Greta Van Susteren , a lawyer, former television news anchor & award winning journalist. Presenter of Voice of America documentary “Displaced” on the Rohingya refugees in the camps of Bangladesh.

Carlos Sardiña Galache
Photographs by Carlos Sardiña Galache., journalist and author of the book The Burmese Labyrinth: A History of the Rohingya Tragedy.

Alexander Treves
Photographs by Alexander Treves, documentary photographer.

Sharifah Shakirah
Photographs by Sharifah Shakirah, Rohingya human rights activist and founder of Rohingya Women Development Network (RWDN).

Mahi Ramakrishnan
Photographs by Mahi Ramakrishnan, investigative journalist and filmmaker.

Liza Boschin
Competition Judge. Liza Boschin is a correspondent for the Italian national broadcaster Rai.

Rahima Akhter
Photographs by Rahima Akhter, a Rohingya law student against whom a vitriolic online campaign was launched to deny her the opportunity to continue her studies.

Advocate Shabnam Mayet
Photographs by Shabnam Mayet, Advocate of the High Court of South Africa and organiser of "Protect the Rohingya".

M R Hasan
Photographs by Mohammad Rakibul Hasan. He is a documentary photographer, filmmaker and visual artist.

Nay San Lwin
Photographs by Nay San Lwin, Rohingya human rights activist.

Laetitia van den Assum
Photographs by Laetitia van den Assum, former diplomat and member of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State

Chris Catrambone
Photographs by Chris Catrambone, Founder of MOAS

Advocate Razia Sultana
Photographs by Advocate Razia Sultana, Rohingya human rights activist.