Mohammad Rakibul Hasan has been awarded and nominated for many international awards and has won hundreds of photographic competitions worldwide including Lucie Award, Human Rights Press Award and Allard Prize. His photographs and artworks have been published and exhibited internationally. He is based in Dhaka, Bangladesh and represented by Redux Pictures, ZUMA Press, USA and a contributing journalist for the Daily Star and Reuters. Hasan is also a consultant photographer and documentary filmmaker for Asian Development Bank (ADB), the World Bank, FAO of the United Nations, UN Women, USAID, Water Aid and major iNGOs.
We invited M R Hasan to submit some of his images in support of the competition and to help build awareness. These do not form part of the competition. (Cover image of M R Hasan is by Suvra Kanti Das)

"I have been covering this story since 2017 when the exodus began. I witnessed the mass migration of Rohingya people seeking shelter in Bangladesh as refugees. Most of the people came here barefoot, empty-handed and many carrying their elderly mother or father or relatives on their back as those people could not walk hundreds of miles on foot. Their journey was the toughest one as many of them had to climb mountains and many had to catch boats; many died on the spot by bullets from the guns of the Myanmar Army during their escape. Then, I regularly covered how they coped with a new life in the refugee camps. "
M R Hasain from interview with IPA

Carrying wood for fuel. Gas distribution came much later and even then has been patchy and inconsistent.

Refugees carrying rations