Nay San Lwin is a prominent Rohingya human rights activist. He documents human rights violations and the military campaigns of the Tatmadaw in Arakan State of Myanmar.
We invited Nay San Lwin to submit some of his own images in support of the competition and to help build awareness. These do not form part of the competition.

"My people in the Rohingya camps have very limited freedoms; limited everything. But their kindness is unlimited."

"Here you see how 1.1 million Rohingya lives have been disrupted. That genocide is going on in Myanmar is as clear as daylight."

"10 December 2018: It would be simplistic to say this was an important day for me. It would also be simplistic to say it was an important day for my people. It was in fact an important day for all of humanity to drag this genocidal regime to the International Court of Justice."