Christopher Paul Catrambone is an American businessman and philanthropist, who together with his wife Regina, founded the first private search and rescue charity in 2013, Migrant Offshore Aid Station or MOAS, which has been credited with saving more than 40,000 lives at sea.
We invited Chris Catrambone to submit some of his own images in support of the competition and to help build awareness. These do not form part of the competition.

"Dead Rohingya children's body's lay in a covered pavilion after their boat capsized in Inani, it was my first week in Bangladesh and their bodies haunted me, as it was déjà vu of what was also happening in the Mediterranean."

"Rohingya women and child - I met them touring Unchiprang for the first time. The suffering I saw that day inspired me to build a hospital in the rice fields next to the camp."

"First Baby born In our Shamlapur hospital. What it's all about."