Alex Crawford is an internationally acclaimed journalist. Recipient of multiple journalism awards over many years, she is particularly known for her reports from hostile environments. On 7 November, 2017 Alex and her TV crew crossed over to Myanmar from Bangladesh. Their report contained deeply disturbing images from the beaches of Daungkhali Sau. Hundreds of emaciated men, women and newborn babies were trapped on the beaches and unable to cross to Bangladesh or return to their villages.
We invited Alex to submit some images in support of the competition and to help build awareness. These are in the non-competitive section of the contest.

"We went unencumbered by Myanmar minders, entirely on our own, and collected first-hand accounts. Our report is the only independent eyewitness account by journalists from inside Myanmar during the worst phase of violence and atrocities committed against the Rohingya population. That night we witnessed the shocking deprivation, desperation and horror of thousands of people who were stranded on the beaches of Daung Khali Sau in Maungdaw district of Myanmar." (Their villages had been attacked and they were waiting for smuggler boats to cross a stretch of water to Bangladesh).

"We found this woman shivering not from the cold but just out of fear."

"Young man beaten for daring to go back to get drinking water for his family. The Rohingya were corralled on the beach by the military and not allowed to go back to nearby villages."

"A number of babies were born on the beach without any medical care. Some were just a few days old. This baby (right hand picture) even had the umbilical cord attached to it."

"Desperate to leave, Rohingya were building a makeshift raft with wood, rope and empty jerry cans – in order to take the dangerous journey with their families."

"An elderly woman we met just collapsed whilst talking. She had been on the beach for two months."

"The "lucky" ones on the boat crossing over to Bangladesh."